Sunday, December 2, 2007

Et alia

I used to be inclined to write about the political scene much more than I am now. It struck me, as I followed things with a zealot's intensity, that the more voices there were raising the volume of outrage, the better off our cause would be. Turns out, no. Too many voices make noise, and who needs more of that? These days I pay close attention but understand that my e-pamphlets (would Thomas Paine have a blog today?) are for my own venting -- for good health -- and persuade nobody. Which is fine.

I'm leaving much more room in my head for the appreciation of things like ideas (rather than their bastard child, politics) and music. Case in point. Not long ago I bought a tube-driven amplifier, which has made my CD collection sound utterly new. Listening to everything from Haydn to Elvis Costello on it reveals surprising details and nuances I'd never heard before, and this is good. Music is uplifting and doesn't disappoint. Democratic congressmen disappoint.

By the way, the titles here at Disce Pati will always be among four: Opinatio (opinions), Consternatio (confusions), Observatio (observations), and Et alia (all the rest). That'll make it much easier for me. I'm all about simplifying.

Now to some music on a Sunday afternoon...

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